Courtyard Towers
  • 22 N. Robson
  • Mesa, AZ 85201
  • 623-237-9931

Why I choose to volunteer at Courtyard Towers

My family at my sister Heidi's wedding.
I chose to volunteer here because my grandma is a resident there.  She really enjoys being there and gets amazing care, but I have heard of many stories where some nursing home neglect there patients.  I wanted to go volunteer here because I feel elderly people deserve the best care, but don't always get it.  What I want to take from this experience is that these patients are just as important as we are, and I want to serve them to make them feel appreciated.  My grandma and the other residents deserve to feel appreciated and not neglected.  

Session #1

My grandma and I working on the puzzle together!
7/27 Time: 10:30am  Minutes: 1 hour

When I got there my grandma and the other residents were sitting in the lobby area, most were sleeping doing nothing.  I woke my grandma up and asked what she wanted to do.  She wanted to go back to her room and work on her puzzle.  My mom got her a puzzle specifically designed for her to help her memory.  The puzzle is a picture of my whole extended family at my sisters wedding, about 50 people or so.   My grandma has Alzheimer’s disease, it isn’t to the point yet where she doesn’t recognize people but the more chances she has to see family members hopefully the less likely she will forget them anytime soon.  The puzzle has almost everyone in our family and helps her remember all of our faces.  She loves when others help her and discuss where the pieces go.  Doing the puzzle stimulates her memory and gives her something fun to do as well.  The session went really well, we both had fun and enjoyed each other’s company.  An hour later was lunch and she was being silly, she likes to show off in front of us, she pushed her walker ahead of her quit fast and the nurse pulled her aside and told her she needed to stop because someone could get hurt. The caregiver asked us to wait in her room so grandma wouldn't act up during lunch time in front of the other residents.  She wasn’t too happy that she had to sit in the lunch room without us there.  Overall, the hour I spent with her doing the puzzle was good for her and gave her attention she needed.      

Session #2

Playing Bingo!!!
7/29 2:15pm  Minutes: 2 hours

Everyday there are always activities for the residents to do.  On the floor where my grandma is they aren’t allowed to leave the floor unless a staff or family member is with them.  The floor is for Alzheimer residents and is secure so they don’t wonder off.  I decided I would take my grandma to the main floor to play crazy bingo!  She was really excited to leave her floor and go play with other residents.  Many residents don’t see family or friends there much, so they were all excited when she brought me down there to play with everyone.  At first it took her some time to figure out what to do because they called the numbers fast, but she got it pretty quick after the first game.  I got to help her in figuring out when she got bingo and also helped the other residents if they got stuck or confused.  This was a great activity for all the residents to come have fun and interact with the staff and other residents.  It gives them the attention they crave.  The director of the game spoke loud and clear so she would be understood.  My grandma was bummed she didn’t win but still had a wonderful time with everyone.  After the game was over my grandma introduced me to other residents, which I think made her feel important and valued that we come and see her. 

Session #3

 7/25 4:00pm Minutes: 1 hour
This time I played cards with my grandma and other residents are her floor.  My grandma doesn’t interact much with others on her floor, she isn’t too social.  She definitely like attention but mostly from the staff or family.  We all played Go Fish, a simple and easy game for all to understand.  I think doing something so simple like playing cards with everyone is good for all the residents.  I talked to the Director of the nursing home and he said most of the residents don’t have people that visit them.  That is one of the reasons I wanted to volunteer there is for the residents to feel loved by visitors.  During the card game we enjoyed conversation and laughed.  They all thought it was funny that I’m so young and playing with elderly people.  They had a great time!  The session went great, the staff loved that we played so they could focus on the other residents who didn’t participate.  My mom came with me that day and it was a fun family outing.  After volunteering I realized that these elderly people love playing together but don’t get to do much because no one visits them.  I’m glad I got to spend time with them and make them feel important, I definitely will be coming back again soon!

Service Project Report

Service Project Report

The organization I choose to work with this summer was called Courtyard Towers nursing homes.  Some of activities the nursing home offers are bingo, wii games, card games, go on shopping outings, go out to lunch, many other activities they all can participate in.  The facility has 98 employees, and 180 residents.  My grandmas floor has 16 residents, 2 caregivers, a nurse, and an activities director.  The ratio on her floor is eight to one.  The typical day starts with breakfast, a couple activities, then lunch, and the same in the afternoon before dinner.  The days I went I specifically went to do activities with the residents to get them out.  I did games like bingo, cards, and puzzles.  All the residents don’t normally do the activities especially if no one takes them.  Like my grandma and many other residents they have to have a staff or family member to take them to the main floor for activities.  Throughout my time there at the organization my relationship definitely changed.  I haven't been that close with my grandma but visiting with her and the other residents made me realize all she wants is to be loved and played with, same with the other residents.  I learned many things about the organization, I observed the nurses very closely.  I noticed they build relationships with all the residents and know everyone’s name by heart.  They care about each resident and provide individual needs to each.  I learned also that they are very organized, I never noticed it before.  They know every little thing that is going on and when I arrive they know exactly where my grandma is.  They have a set schedule and stick to it.  My visits to Courtyard towers made me what to continue to go and visit and help out any way I can.  If that’s playing games or take residents down for lunch, I want to help and serve.  I learned a lot about myself by volunteering there, it made me realize that I should be doing this more even if my grandma wasn’t there.  All these elderly people want is to be loved and respected, they at least deserve that.  My attitude has definitely changed, I never liked nursing home, or cared to much to visit my grandma, I always felt uncomfortable.  I soon realized that coming and visiting all of the residents just made their day so much better.  They were happy and joyful.  I definitely noticed when a resident is acting out it definitely has a lot to do with something that had happened before.  For example, my grandmas attitude definitely changed one time when I visited.  She had been pushing her walker down the aisle really fast in front of her and it could have easily hurt another resident.  One of the nurses came up to her and told her she can’t do that anymore, she wasn’t too happy.  Our attitudes definitely change our behavior and affect our days.  The best thing about my experience was I got to make my grandma and other residents feel important.  Many residents don’t have visitors.  I was to able spend time with my grandma, and get to know her better.  I took the time to get to know her as a kid, I realize now I should be visiting more.  I was surprised that my grandma actually enjoyed me being there, I never really knew if she liked me or not.  I can't say we had much a relationship before but I now value it.  I will definitely stay and volunteer, not just because my grandma is there but because all the residents deserve to have fun with others as well as look forward to visitors.